5e webinar van EFPA in de COVID-19 serie over de rol die psychologie kan spelen in het gezondheidsgedrag wat zo belangrijk is om het virus onder controle te houden.

Algemene klinische psychologie

Data van dit evenement

15:00 - 16:00

At EFPA , we are committed to playing our part in ensuring the innovations and expertise of psychologists from our 38 member countries is shared among all psychologists in Europe during this coronavirus crisis, in order to benefit the citizens of Europe.
In April 2020 EFPA organized a set of free webinars the first of which, were dedicated to topical issues related to COVID-19 issues: set-up of psychological helpline, online consultations, and implications of the entire situation for mental health. The videorecordings can be found here: http://covid19forpsychologists.eu
Considering positive feedback from the first webinars’ attendees and requests from our Member Associations EFPA is organizing the second round of webinars dedicated to COVID-19 psychology related issues.
The webinars will be delivered by EFPA expert representatives from our member associations. There will be time allocated for Q&A. The webinars will be delivered in English.   
These webinars are opened for all members of your psychological association. Intended participants should register using the link provided for their preferred webinar before June 1, 2020 , it is possible to register for several events.
The number of participants is limited to 1000 participants per event, we therefore encourage to subscribe only if you are sure you will be able to attend this event. 
Videorecordings will be available on EFPA’s psychologists support hub after delivery.
Important notice: If you did not receive immediately a confirmation email after having registered, please contact the EFPA events department at events@efpa.eu

Olivier Luminet – Professor, Psychological Sciences Research Institute, UC Louvain, Belgium, member EFPA Board of Scientific Affairs, Belgium
Will be presenting
* recent research results on the respective role of sociodemographic, cognitive, and emotional factors that can facilitate or impair three health behaviours recommended to limit the spreading of the COVID-19 pandemic (hand-washing, limitation of public transports’ use and limitation of social contacts).
Nicolas Chater – Professor of Behavioural Science, University of Warwick (Behavioural Science Group), UK
* What are the psychological factors that shaped how we have responded to the pandemics?
* What psychological principles will influence how our behaviour and our society is affected in the future, by the lock-down and social distancing measures beyond lockdown?
Register Webinar2 here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_d9pOJgfHTJ-rxJrf-eUttw